Practice Notes

How to docket a new US trademark application

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For use with most trademark docketing poststng

Trademark Docketing Software procedures How to docket a new US trademark application Option 1:- When you get instructions to file, make a skeleton record in TM Cloud, entering the Trademark name, the Applicant, status and jurisdiction (US). A follow-up date will be generated automatically. File using TEAS, and get the application number and date immediately. […]

Practice Notes

Trademark Data Validation in TM Cloud

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Keep trademark records accurate

How good is the data in your docketing system?  Is it complete, accurate and up-to-date? And how do you know? When did you last audit it? Your trademark docketing reports and client reports depend on accurate records. At TM Cloud, we provide a comprehensive database system specifically designed for trademarks, patents and other IP cases, […]

Practice Notes

Trademark Record Housekeeping

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Sweeping up mistakes

Trademark Housekeeping It’s fashionable these days to concentrate on docketing, and rightly so. Answering Office Actions on time, renewing registrations and keeping your clients informed are important tasks, but only part of the bigger picture. If your clients have multiple marks in multiple jurisdictions you need a record keeping system to drive your docket, and […]